The answer to this is entirely dependent on your own opinion. Some might believe it’s acceptable in order to keep the country safe, but others might not because they believe it infringes on individual freedoms. There are pros and cons to both sides, so you have to determine which side you agree with more.
Generally speaking, the religions that Romans had the most difficulties with were "<span>monotheistic religions that prohibited followers from worshipping the gods of the Roman state," since for a long period of time religions such as Christianity were strictly outlawed in Ancient Rome. </span>
Roman art refers to the visual arts made in Ancient Rome and in the territories of the Roman Empire. Roman art includes architecture (duh), painting, sculpture and mosaic work. Luxury objects in metal-work, gem engraving, ivory carvings, and glass are sometimes considered in modern terms to be minor forms of Roman art,[1] although this would not necessarily have been the case for contemporaries. Sculpture was perhaps considered as the highest form of art by Romans, but figure painting was also very highly regarded. The two forms have had very contrasting rates of survival, with a very large body of sculpture surviving from about the 1st century BC onward, though very little from before, but very little painting at all remains, and probably nothing that a contemporary would have considered to be of the highest quality.
Ancient Roman pottery was not a luxury product, but a vast production of "fine wares" in terra sigillata were decorated with reliefs that reflected the latest taste, and provided a large group in society with stylish objects at what was evidently an affordable price. Roman coins were an important means of propaganda, and have survived in enormous numbers.
Answer:La esclavitud fue practicada en la América británica desde el principio de la era colonial, y fue firmemente establecida cuando se firmó la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos. Tras esto, existió una expansión gradual de abolicionismo en el Norte, mientras la rápida expansión de la industria del algodón desde 1800 causó al Sur aferrarse fuertemente a la esclavitud, e intentar expandirla a los nuevos territorios occidentales del país. Así, la esclavitud polarizó la nación en estados esclavistas y estados libres mediante la línea Mason-Dixon, que separaba a Maryland (esclavista) y Pensilvania (libre).
The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 doubled the size of the United States, gave the country complete control of the port of New Orleans, and provided territory for westward expansion.