People consider sugary drinks to be a significant contributor to many health conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay. Research has shown that drinking a can of Coca-Cola can have damaging effects on the body within an hour.
(wrong answers only right?)
When I read this question it gets me thinking. In ancient Greece, there were Athens and the Spartans. Women in Sparta were looked upon favorably. They could be independant and even own their own property. On the other hand, In Athens, women had a class level lower than slaves. Knowing this information, yes the painting is technically sexist based on how the Athenian women were treated and looked upon.
do you know for sure they are h0mophobic? ive come out to my parents but theyre not h0mophobic so i dont know if my opinion counts but i say just do it
and if they get upset at you, tell them that if they cared they would accept you.
leave them for a while to process it and see what they say in another day or two.
hope that helps