when you don't have enough sleep, you become exhausted. Or that the remedy or resolution to exhaustion is to sleep.
Is there a selection of answers, in the format of A, B, C, D?
The best answer I can give you is this quote from Richard III:
"I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
By drunken prophecies, libels and dreams,"
The answer is false because, even though Hobbes offered this opinion in Leviathan Chapter VI, he didn’t mean that it would happen, or that it is possible; he was only giving an opinion about what could happen in nature, and the reality that could fall on mankind if laws, regulations and conventions are taken away from society: without a government, things could get our of hand, and life could be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
Because its hard to move in that big costume of hers
Answer: Since the beginning of time Men have taken the action to put themselves above Women, so as that time passed by women were set to do housework, chores, take care of children etc. They weren’t taken seriously and never had that equality that most men had. But as that time passed by Women started taking action to be equal to Men. Men were supposably the only ones allowed to be involved in government work, but Women proved themselves that they can do much more than just housework. As one woman did something other followed and changed the world together. Today more and more women are doing work involving government issues.