1.EXPRESSED POWERS are those powers that are directly stated
in the constitution
2. IMPLIED POWERS are powers needed by the government to carry out expressed powers
3.INHERENT POWERSare powers needed by a national government because it is a government
A monarch takes power in a hereditary way. It means that the king is chosen by his father. If a king has children, he asks his eldest son to replace him.
The new entities are free to publish any information or opinion they want...If something is reported false they can be sued for libel...but most journalist report truthful facts because of their integrity.
Battle of Trenton was a pivotal battle in the American revolutionary war that took place on December 26, 1776, in Trenton. After a brief battle two-thirds if the enemy force was captured with minimal loss of American lives. The battle inspired re-enlistment and morale. After the defeats in New York, this battle really boosted the war effort and helped revitalize the spirit for the war.
Although the male citizen had by far the best position in Greek society, there were different classes within this group. Top of the social tree were the ‘best people’, the aristoi. Possessing more money than everyone else, this class could provide themselves with armour, weapons, and a horse when on military campaign. The aristocrats were often split into powerful family factions or clans who controlled all of the important political positions in the polis.
ancient greece