Well, some red stuff says that "need more than 20 letters", so that's why I'm typing this up.
It's true! :)
Território compreendido entre o Tejo e o Minho que foi entregue ao governo do conde D. Henrique no período da Reconquista Cristã. Mais tarde, com D. Afonso Henriques, filho de D. Henrique, o Condado Portucalense estaria na origem do reino independente de Portugal.
uh what are ou talking about?
<span>The Farmers' Alliances agitated for railroad regulation, tax reform, and unlimited coinage of silver and attempted to influence the established political parties. Growth was so rapid, however, that interest in a third party began to increase; in 1891 delegates from farm and labor organizations met in Cincinnati. No decision was made to form a political party, but when the Republican and Democratic parties both straddled the currency question at the 1892 presidential conventions, a convention was held at Omaha, and the Populist party was formed (1892).</span>
Almost Every slave served in the war