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C is your answer. For you to come to this conclusion, you need tounderstand verb patterns. The verb "to email" is a ditransitive verb since it takes two complements: a direct and an indirect object. Both elements need to be taken by the verb for the sentence to be grammatically correct. In this case, the NP (noun phrase) "my english teacher" functions as the indirect object and the NP "my essay" is the direct object.
A, subect verb is your answer. The verb "to finish" is an instransitive verb, it only takes an element which functions as the subject of the sentence (the NP "I"). The PP (prepositional phrase) and AdvP (adverbial phrase) "for once" and "early" function as modifiers. "Early" modifies the VP (finish) and "for once" modifies the whole clause.
3. B is correct
The verb "to be" is a copulative verb. In this case, the predicate describes, defines or says something about the subject and the verb only joins the NP subject with the NP object. "My subject" is the NP subject and "my uncle farm in Colorado" is the NP object.
C is your answer. The verb "to feel" in this case fuctions as a ditransitive verb taking a direct and an indirect object. The NP "the breezes" functions as the subject of the sentence, the AdvP "there" as the indirect object indicating location and the AdjP (adjetival phrase) "so crisp and fresh" as the direct object.
B. Somebody <visits> somebody. The NP "I" functions as the subject of the sentence, "him" is the D.O (direct object) and the NP "every summer" functions as a modifier of time or manner.