Tituba's prayer is an example of dramatic irony because she prays to God only to show off to the people.
- Dramatic irony occurs in a play when the audience knows the situation in the play and understands it, but the character doesn't understand the same.
- The words and the actions of the characters are often contradictory in this case.
- Tituba is a woman from Barbados who does black magic and she prays to God just to show to the people about her believes in God and is on God's side.
- But she was the one who did black magic, planned the dance in the forest and conjured the bad souls.
- Thus, her act is an example of dramatic irony.
A bibliography includes any source you use while writing an assignment. This could be websites, book titles, etc.
The factors that are responsible for our agricultural backwardness are:Traditional farming, Lack of proper irrigation system, Lack of transport and market, Unscientific and undemocratic distribution of land, Overpressure of manpower, Poor economic condition, Lack of research activities.
The Anglo-Spanish War, is what I’m assuming your asking about.
1585–1604 was when sporadic conflict between the lands of Spain and England that was never formally declared.
The war started by widely separated battles, and began with England's military expedition in 1585.
You can find the answer in public libraries since we’re also learning about the war.