Each figure in this painting shows their individualism.
Leonardo's Last Supper depicts the scene of Jesus sharing his final meal with his Apostles before his death and resurrection. The painting is a study of different human emotion, provided in a simple composition. The Last Supper painting describes the response given by apostles when Jesus announced one of them would betray him. All apostles (12) have different responses to the message, with shock and anger. Last Supper is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance known as one of the best painting in Christian religious art.
He wrote a musical about Alexander Hamilton. :)
The world is like a play. In a play their are different people who have different roles. Just like a play, in life, we all have different roles. A role is a part you play as you interact with others. Some roles in life are : a student, a teacher, a mother, and a sister. We all have to do our roles to keep going in life. Right now the role you might be playing today is a student and a daughter/ sibling. I hope this helps!