The dialect used in Why, You Reckon gives the audience the idea that the character is not educated and, very likely, poor. It helps the enjoyment of the story. For example in the following quote
“Well sir, I ain’t never been mixed up in nothing wrong before nor since, and I don’t intend to be again, but I was hongry that night.” (Hughes 253)
<span>She mocks Mrs. Turner’s belief that everyone should look alike.</span>
1984 is a novel that deals with the issues of totalitarian government. George Some of the examples we may fin in Orwell's work are:
- Individuals have <u>no privacy</u>, because they are watched at all time, even in their homes. Even inside the apartment, Winston, the main character, is well aware that the Big Brother and the telescreens are watching.
- The creation of institutions like "Thoughtcrime" that are in charge of <u>spying for the government</u> so as to make sure no individual is acting outside the Big Brother's law.
- <u>Propaganda</u> and programs like the "Two Minutes Hate" one that unify the society's emotion so that the government can control them all.