Geographycally speaking, Russia is situated North and West of China.
They are both countries which expand on a vast territory and confine with many countries:
China also confines with: North Korea on the East, Mongolia on the North, Kazakistan, Kirghizistan, Tagikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in the West, and Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam in the South.
While Russia confines with: Kazakistan, Mongolia and Georgia on the South, Ucraina, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia and Finland on the West.
The Marsupials would be extinct as they wont be able to migrate to South America and Australia.
If the plate tectonics would be in a position as they are in today then the marsupials population that is found today in Australia and other countries would not have been possible as the plate tectonics would not allow them to migrate to these places.
Even if they would migrate to another pace they would not survive as these creatures don't know how to travel longer distances and would eventually die of starvation.
Astronomical unit is that the average distance from the planet to the Sun, just about a hundred and fifty million klick. At its nighest purpose, Saturn is nine AU, then at its most distant purpose, it's 10.1 AU. Saturn's average distance from the Sun is 9.6 AU.