<span>The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT or NNPT) is a treaty to limit the spread (proliferation) of nuclear weapons. Currently, there are 189 states party to the treaty. Some include: The United States, Russia, The United Kingdom, France, and China.</span>
Monarchy powers reduced, and the role of the common man in the society became important.
The Glorious Revolution took place in England in 1688, which overthrew of Catholic King James II and replaced William III and his wife Mary II. The revolution followed by a series of Acts passed by the parliament to formulate constitution agreements and reduce the monarchy powers. The new settlement defended parliamentary prerogatives and brought a politics in English traditions.
The American Revolution ended British colonial rule and brought changes in socially, politically, and economically. The founding fathers introduced constitutions by protecting the rights of people.
The French Revolution ended the absolute monarch in France and introduced a representative government.
At first Pericles aided the Greeks during the Trojan War then later united with Rome to win the war and the horse. Many Greeks were killed in the war and fought back, but when Pericles tried to aid with Greece once more he was killed.<span />
They over fished and attacked the Indians