Mrs. Brown has 6 children. The brother is related to all of the sisters.
Well, if we had never explored there, we wouldn't have any information on that area at all.
Collective culture pertains to the culture where more importance is given to the group or collective individuals instead of individualistic importance and goals.
An individual who lives in such collective culture would define sincerity as, a person who is committed to the goal of the community at all times and not letting his individualistic goals take an upward curve or act as a hindrance in achieving his community's goals is attributed as sincere.
Indigenous bookkeeping is also known as a "single entry system"
In English
En Ingles
By definition artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans animals, which involves consciousness and emotionality.
In Spanish
En Espanol
Por definición, la inteligencia artificial es la inteligencia demostrada por las máquinas, a diferencia de la inteligencia natural mostrada por los animales humanos, que involucra conciencia y emocionalidad.