- <em>The verb </em><em><u> went </u></em><em> must be changed to maintain verb tense consistency.</em>
<em>Verb consistency</em> means that the verbs in the sentence must agree in number (singular/plural) and tense (present/past/future/perfect/progressive).
<em>Verb tense consistency</em> requires that the verbs in clauses of the same sentence agree in tense.
This is, you must not change from one tense to another.
In the sentence "<em>There</em><u><em> are </em></u><em>more private K-8 schools than there</em><em><u> are </u></em><em>private schools for grades 9-12, so many students who</em><em><u> attend </u></em><em>private grade school </em><em><u>went </u></em><em>on to attend a public high school</em>", the two <u> </u><u><em>are </em></u>and<u> </u><em><u>attend</u></em><u> </u>are in present, while<u><em> went </em></u>is in past tense.
Using <u><em>went</em></u>, then breakes the consisteny.
Thus, went must be changed to maintain verb tense consistency.
financial information
parental information (if you live with both parents then you need both, but if your parents are divorced you need the one who you live with)
personal information
and im not sure what it means by "school information" but you do need to have a college picked out so you can send in your FAFSA
What is your interpretation of a suffix?1 a group of letters that have a specific meaning and can appear at the beginning of many different words is called a suffix. 2 a suffix is like a prefix, only it comes at the end of the word. 3 a group of letters that have a specific meaning and can appear in the middle of different words is called a suffix. 4 a suffix is like a prefix, only it comes at the beginning of a word.
option b,d,c on 1st 2nd and 3rd que