Ofcourse it is eating several protein bars each day. Because you arent supposed to eat a lot of the bars unless u exercise you can also get sick.
As a noun it means too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant. The origin is from Greek.
2.H loud
7. D mixture
8.F unforgettable
10.E deprived of human dignity
3. A contradiction?
What McCracken means by <em>the thrill of the terrifying </em>is the adrenaline one feels when one is scared. She says that she likes being scared, which she rarely got the opportunity to be, given that she was always surrounded by people, and her dreams and nightmares are the only places where she could be alone, and scared if she wanted to.
Theme is a binding agent. It makes everything in a story stick together.
To state its theme is one way of describing what a story is about. To start finding a story’s theme, see if there is a more or less generic concept that fits, like “reform”, “racism”, “good vs. evil”. The theme of Shakespeare’s Othello is jealousy.
Once this broadest sense of theme is established, you could get a little more specific