No, you would see arrows pointing in opposite directions <--> like so
Following are the code block in the Java Programming Language.
//define recursive function
public static long exponentiation(long x, int n) {
//check the integer variable is equal to the 0.
if (x == 0) {
//then, return 1
return 1;
//Otherwise, set else
else {
//set long data type variable
long q = exponentiation(x, n/2);
q *= q;
//check if the remainder is 1
if (n % 2 == 1) {
q *= x;
//return the variable
return q;
<u>Following are the description of the code block</u>.
- Firstly, we define the long data type recursive function.
- Then, set the if conditional statement and return the value 1.
- Otherwise, set the long data type variable 'q' that sore the output of the recursive function.
- Set the if conditional statement and check that the remainder is 1 and return the variable 'q'.
The above statement is in c++ which display the value of count .The cout statement is used in c++ to print the value on console .
Following are the code in c++
#include <iostream> // header file
using namespace std; // namespace
int main() // main method
int count=90; // count variable
cout<<count; // display the value of count
return 0;
In this program we have declared a count variable of integer type which is initialized by 90 and finally displays the value of count on the screen.
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