Waterproof covering
It's the desert so it's pretty dry...they'd want to soak up as much water as possible
This movement is called convection. It can be found in liquids, gasses and rheids - solids that can also experience movement ( on a big time scale), such as the earth mantle. One of the types of convection is diffusion: net movement of gasses from higher to lower concentration areas.
Drought and desertification are closely related phenomena. Persisting over months or years, drought can affect large areas and may have serious environmental, social and economic impacts. While drought is a natural phenomenon, whose impacts can be exacerbated by human activities that are not adapted to the local climate, land degradation is the process of turning fertile land into less or non-productive land. In extreme cases in drylands this is called desertification. Land degradation and desertification are complex phenomena driven by un-adapted human activity in combination with land and climatic constraints. Inappropriate land use, such as monocultures, and unsustainable land management practices, such as deforestation, unsuitable agricultural practices and overexploitation of water resources), can cause land degradation that can be further aggravated by drought.
"The Midwest receives the nickname of "breadbasket" because of the abundant cereal crops it produces for the United States and the world; these crops include wheat, corn and oats. The history of staple cereal crop production in the Midwest dates back to the 1700s. The fertile soils of the Midwestern states and availability of cheap, abundant land proved suitable for launching a large-scale farming effort, ultimately leading to high volume production of predictable and reliable crops" credit to google put it in ur own word