<span>artifacts found at historical sites
letters written during that period in history
documents with information about the past</span><span>
1:Calvin Coolidge
2:Warren Harding
3:Herbert Hoover
Answer and Explanation:
Civilization will be established around a territory with the presence of an extensive river. This area was chosen for presenting environmental advantages for the establishment of civilization. This is because regions around rivers usually present soil with high fertility, which will be extremely important for the establishment of agriculture, allowing civilization to have enough to feed itself and establish a trade that will stabilize the economy. The river will be used as a water source for irrigation of agricultural crops and for consumption. In addition, fishing can strengthen trade and food.
Civilization will organize itself into small villages that will be enlarged as needed. In the middle of the territory will be the leader's house, which will be established in the center to represent the leader's power and control in people's lives. On the right side of this house, there will be a temple where offerings will be offered to the gods. Around time there will be the priests' house and the citizens' houses will be established in the rest of the region, with the noblers living closer to the leader.
My house consists of a square made of mud walls and covered with straw. My house is closer to the river as I am a farmer and it is close to the river that farmers live.
In English,
The primary goal of the Mexican Rebellion was purely the takeover of the Díaz tyranny, but that comparatively simple politically aware movement widened into a foremost economic and social turmoil that foretold the vital character of Mexico’s 20th-century experience. During the lengthy struggle, the Mexican people established a sense of individuality and determination, perhaps unparalleled by any other Latin American nation. Many reforms had been developed by 1940 when the goals and purpose of the revolution were established as guiding principle for future Mexican policies and procedure. The viciousness of 1910 presented a clear start to the Mexican Revolution, but scholars contradict on an end, as a resolution mostly use the year 1920, but some end it with the 1917 constitution or measures in the 1920s, and still, others debate that the insurgency slowly tattered until 1940.
In Spanish,
<span>El objetivo principal de la Rebelión mexicana fue simplemente la toma de posesión de la tiranía de Díaz, pero ese movimiento relativamente simple y políticamente consciente se amplió hasta convertirse en la mayor confusión económica y social que predijo el carácter vital de la experiencia mexicana del siglo XX. Durante la larga lucha, el pueblo mexicano estableció un sentido de individualidad y determinación, quizás sin paralelo en ninguna otra nación latinoamericana. Se habían desarrollado muchas reformas para 1940, cuando se establecieron los objetivos y el propósito de la revolución como principio rector de las futuras políticas y procedimientos mexicanos. La brutalidad de 1910 presentó un claro comienzo para la Revolución Mexicana, pero los académicos contradicen el final, ya que una resolución usa principalmente el año 1920, pero algunos lo terminan con la constitución de 1917 o medidas en la década de 1920, y aún otros debaten que el la insurgencia se rasgó lentamente hasta 1940.</span>
More Islamic countries are present in Europe.
If the Muslims defeated the Franks and rest of the Europe and were able to rule western Europe as a part of a Muslim empire so our world will be totally changed because there is no western Europe on the earth, they all converted into Islamic states. The Muslims have a very attractive culture and religion so first a lot of people will accept Islam and these countries are now Islamic countries due to more Muslim population.