Money management should be taught in school to help people be successful adults. By learning to manage money you earn, you can become better at budgeting your income. This will keep you from losing your housing or utilities for not paying your bills. It can also help you understand how much things cost, so you’ll know how much money you need to save to move out on your own.
Manuel ate yogurt-covered pretzels.
: Manuel
Verb: ate
Completed thought: The yogurt-covered pretzels were eaten by Manuel
The subject of a sentence is the "doer" or "performer" of an action in a sentence.
The verb of a sentence is the word used to describe the action.
Answer: It is D... power
Explanation: ingenuity: Ingenuity is the ability to think creatively about a situation or to solve problems in a clever way. If you want to build a boat out of toothpicks and yarn, you’ll need a lot of ingenuity.