There is a novel named Of Beetles and Angels by Mawi Asgedom, and his book was an extraordinary adventure from a refugee camp TO HARVARD.
His book teaches us that even if you're at the lowest point in life, try and you can get what you want.
The meaning of this is that burning books is not as terrible as not writing them at all. Stafford is trying to say that if you have an idea for a book and you do not write the book, or start it, but never finish, then that is worse then burning a book that's already written.
I not 100% sure but I hope it helps :)
No need for revision, it's correct as it is.
"While most visitors to Washington, D.C., visit the well-known memorials, including the Washington Monument, the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials, and the more recent Vietnam Memorial Wall, a beautiful and lesser-known memorial"
The underlined sentence "Vietnam Memorial Wall, a beautiful and lesser-known memorial" needs no further revision.