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c. jack es mas chiquito
chiquito means small and on the picture you see the arrow pointing at jack and you notice that he is smaller than the other guy :)
Cow = Vaca, Calf = Becerro, Chicken = Gallina, Horse = Caballo, Pig = Cerdo, Yellow Chick = Gallina amarillo.
Comparatives with adjectives is just an adjective but something more so instead of Good in English you would say execellent.
The Cow is grande. Using the Comparative adjective for grande you would say, La vaca es mayor que el gallina armarillo. (The cow is bigger than the yellow chicken.)
Número de sílabas: 4
Separación silábica: lec-to-rí-a
La sílaba tónica es rí, es una palabra “llana” o paroxítona, esto es que su sílaba tónica es la penúltima y lleva tilde.
La palabra lectoría tiene un hiato
Se produce hiato entre las vocales "í" y "a" de las sílabas rí y a porque la vocal i acentuada es tónica y la vocal a es abierta.
I recommend that they wear shorts because it's very hot in the summer.
This is the translation for that sentence.
I hope this helps - Maria S.