we pledge allegiance to the flag because the freedom that we get from the rights of America and we also pledge allegiance to show that we are united as one. Well that's my thought on the subject
1. Civil rights are an essential component of democracy. They're guarantees of equal social opportunities and protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other characteristics.
industrial revolution
it was due to this that the economy of the united states grew therefore attracting immigrants who came looking for help in the developed united states
In Colorado custody cases, one of the first determinations the Court will make is where the children will reside most of the time. Terms used to describe the parent with primary custody include: “primary residential parent” or “primary care parent.” Because each case is unique, the definition of primary custody will vary from case to case, and when the parents share parenting time equally, one parent is designated the “primary residential parent” for purposes of calculating child support, tax exemptions, tax filing status, etc. hope this helps!!