The operators have not violated the antitrust laws because they are only collaborating to lobby the government
The antitrust law in the U.S. can be described as a group of federal and state government laws enacted to regulate the activities of business firms in order to enhance competition to the advantage of consumers.
The antitrust law aims to collusive activities that suppress trade, any merger and acquisition that would reduce competition, and prevent the the abuse of monopoly power.
Since the activity of the operators of adult bookstores does not fall under what the antitrust law aims to prevent but it is just a collaboration to lobby the government, they have a good defense that they have not violated the antitrust laws.
Because he divided the population into smaller groups and then randomly sampled each group, he would be using a stratified random sampling procedure.
Bt Bicoins este o moneda virtuala care valorează extrem de mult, nu, nu este ilegal sa ai un bit coin
c. reserves increase by $100 million and the money supply increases by more than $100 million
Based on the information given in a situation where a FRACTIONAL-RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM has no availability of EXCESS RESERVES and no CURRENCY HOLDINGS, which means that if the central bank buys BONDS that worth $100 million, the RESERVES will tend to INCREASE by the amount of $100 million while the MONEY SUPPLY on the other hand will INCREASES by more than $100 million.
I used an excel spreadsheet to answer this question.