1. First read through - Everyone around a table, including production staff. Designers do a show and tell of renderings, models, etc… Cast reads the play.
2. Table Work. The Director and Actors work through the script moment by moment still sitting around a table. You are analyzing the text for arc, motivation, relationships, etc… understanding what should be done for each scene or role.
3. Blocking. Get on your feet. Some directors will have everything blocked in their heads and will dictate it to actors. Some work much more organically - actors get up, run a scene, discuss what works, rinse and repeat.
4. Stumble Through - this is your first run through of the whole play without a script in hand. This is where actors and directors begin to see what needs to be further worked on and what really works.
5. Working rehearsals - these are the fun rehearsals. You’re off book (you know your lines), your blocking is basically set, you understand the arc of the play and your character, now you get to have fun, to play with your fellow actors and find the best way to tell this story.
6. Technical Rehearsals -
6a.There may be a few rehearsals without actors where the Director, Stage Managers, Designers and Crew get together to rehearse technical elements without actors.
6b. Show is run from cue to cue, skipping parts where no changes to sound, lights, set, etc. occur. This is for actors and tech crew to get in sync.
6c. Dress rehearsals. everything comes together. Set, lights, costumes. At some point in here you may have a costume parade to see costumes and makeup under lights.
7. Previews. In professional theatre, you may have public performances before your official opening night. Gives you a chance to see how things are playing.
8. Opening Night - everyone comes to watch. There will be family, friends and even important Industry people.
The impact of digital technology has transformed human expressions as painting, drawing and sculpture, but also music and poetry; first by implementing new tools which can be very helpful for the artists and which can enhance the creative process towards innovative and unexplored paths