Steven Spielberg's highest grossing films in the 20th century were Jaws, E.T., and Jurassic Park. Jaws was released in 1976 and set the highest grossing record at $193 million. By 1993, E.T. had grossed over $700 million only to be beaten by Jurassic Park that year when the dino film grossed over $900 million!
Answer: I think it is Caste system
I learned that last year
Answer: The crossing brought many benefits to humanity.
The transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic contributed to the development and improvement of human life quality. In the Paleolithic, the man was constantly searching for food and led a nomadic lifestyle. Such a way of life carried a lot of risks. During the Neolithic, man domesticated certain plant and animal species to have a safe source of food in one place.
The nomadic lifestyle was characterized by the migration of man in caves and living in smaller communities. This changed during the Neolithic. Man organizes permanent habitats, which provided prehistoric communities with greater security.