From the graph that we have here, the event that is responsible for this change is A product becomes less popular and fewer customers purchase it.
The reason this is the answer is because when e look at the graph closely, we can see that only demand fell from 50 to 40. There was no change in price, it remained at 15 dollars.
A fall in demand even at the same price that a good was sold previously shows us that less people are buying the product. This could be due to changing consumer preference.
Muhammad and his followers spread the teachings of Islam throughout the Arabian peninsula. Soon after the death of the prophet Muhammad, there were military expeditions, called "futuhat," or literally "openings," into what is now Egypt and other parts of North Africa.
Thomas Paine (Thetford, Norfolk, 29 de enero de 1737-Nueva York, 8 de julio de 1809) fue un político, escritor, filósofo, intelectual radical y revolucionario de origen inglés.
Most states granted voting to the property owners.