Out of about 7 billion people on the planet, about 6 billion people believe in some kind of God. I think this is because, of tradition and believe.
Atheism has grown in the UK in the last 50 years. I think this is because, people question there believes. If you are not sure of witch religion is best for you or non religion at all. Many choose the simple solution to not believe in a higher power at all.
The way that light and dark create shadows is the same in both art and real life.
Throughout its thousand-year history, the term has been applied almost exclusively to the windows of churches, mosques, and other significant buildings.
Stained glass is still made the same way it was back in the Middle Ages and comes in various forms. For the glass used in leaded glass windows, a lump of the molten glass is caught up at one end of a blow pipe, blown into a cylinder, cut, flattened and cooled.
The image above shows a turtle. The purpose really depends. It could be showing slowness.
In 1492, he sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain in the Santa Maria