Saint Onesimus
Also known as Onesimus of Byzantium
Barton W. stone, Alexander Campbell, and Richard Allen. Many participants were women because the second great awaking was focused on women's rights.
It had no executive branch to enforce the laws of the land, congress has no power to tax individual states, and each state printed its own currency.
Folded mountain with waves, twists, and turns
The clash between the Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate created the Himalayan mountain range and Tibetan plateau around 50 million years ago. As the Indian plate began to move northward to the Eurasian plate, a convergent boundary formed. The Eurasian plate extended to more widespread crossing all of Asia and Europe.
Classical Greek sculpture were characterized by the portrayal of idealized, lifelike bodies. Characters were very symmetrical and almost perfect versions of human beings, that almost seem real.