D. an article in Newsweek magazine which sentence is an example of formal language
Thank you :)
Many people feel like insecure and they belittle themselves and I want to thank you for reminding people that we're all good at something. Your words had a great impact on me especially since I feel like I'm the worst at math :)
(I am People Smart, Self Smart, Nature Smart, and Word Smart)
The death with life are connected, we can think of death as a period of time, if we waste our life, we will arrive until death without any Goal achieved.
We must take advantage of our life, but we must work thinking about the present as a gift.
Death pushes us to be something in life, For example:
If the death didn't exist, we would leave everything for tomorrow, and always happen, even we know that the time is gold.
The correct answer is C.
The idiom "Stick and stones may break my bone" (sometimes followed by "but words can never hurt me") means that you may hurt me physically, but you cannot affect me with your words. It means that the words spoken have been registered, but did not have any effect.
I think it’s the first one