They get discrimmatnated or called Terrorist,even though some aren't
Although science has come a long way in this regard, burials still often cannot reveal when the deceased person died, or even when exactly he or she lived. It also cannot tell much about the person's true beliefs, although it may give clues as to the profession or religion of the deceased.
What the burial can or cannot tell depends significantly on the age, complexity, and preservation of the burial itself, but generally there is a great deal that a burial cannot tell historians.
El país moderno comenzó entre los siglos XV y XVI. Este período fue cuando los reyes usaron la crisis del feudalismo para recuperar su poder. El país moderno es una forma de monopolización del poder coercitivo en su territorio. Es una institución política que tiene el poder de hacer leyes.
The modern country started between the XV and XVI centuries. This period was when the kings used the feudalism crisis to get back their power. The modern country is a way of monopolization the coercive power on its territory. It is a political institution that has the power of making laws.
Colonization, or colonisation is the process of establishing foreign control over target territories or people, often by creating colonies and possibly by settling them. ... In other places, Western European settlers formed minority groups, often dominating the people initially living in their places of settlement.
Yes, they did. Even though it was not as effective as modern procedures