<span>The F.M.L.A legislation that President Clinton signed in 1993 gave people the right to take off time from work which are job protected and unpaid leaves due to qualified medical and family reasons. It was amended due to large number of women joining corporate with the intent to help them take care of their family at the time of emergencies.</span>
fear tactics and a lot of appealing to German nationalism
Answer: This study reviews the major political and technological events of the 1950's -- the Korean war and the development of thermonuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles -- and their impact on political and military
- strategic concepts'" The author examines the "New Look" of the Eisenhower administr;:ttion and the conflicting interpretations of deterrence which arose during the decade.
They wanted a better life than the one they were living, so they knew they'd have to work for a few years but would be free at one point