I do like the quote, " Be the change you want to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi. This quote makes me feel like he is giving me a task and I have to do it, I must accomplish it. If I do not accomplish it something will go wrong. This quote makes me feel like I should be the person that makes a change. I should make the world a better place, even if no one wants to change the world I should be the one to do it. This quote makes me feel like he is calling me to help him change the world because he can't do it by himself. The smallest change can make the biggest difference.
In the early fall
"early" is an adjective that starts describing fall
Answer: B
He is very pationate about the stuff he dose from this paragraph. ÙwÚ
Family helps me the most! They always were there for me when I needed it the most :)