Answer: a.a service provided by the FDA.
In this essay, you are being asked to pick a specific service that the FDA provides, and write an essay about the service and the way the FDA provides it. The rest of the information, such as the purpose of the FDA, is being given to you as a guide, so that you have some basic information about the FDA before you begin your research.
Ronald Reagan was president during the Cold War with the Soviet Union and was also known for the Watergate Scandal.
Hi there!
First of all, I agree with the other answer. But also have my own :)
Utopianism is best defined as the aim of creating the perfect society.
I hope that helps!
They taxed traders coming and leaving Ghana, and they used their armies to protect trade routes.
Congress would not ratify the SALT II treaty because D) The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and C) Russian combat troops were found in Cuba. Because of these two reasons Congress did not ratify the treaty. Six months after signing the treaty, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the United States discovered that there was a Soviet Union brigade stationed in Cuba which led to the treaty not being ratified.