It is an adverd because it describes a noun,verb,and other adverbs and the meaning of really is very
Answer:hearing impaired
Explanation:It is more polite than calling someone deaf.
Answer and Explanation:
De forma generalizada, podemos afirmar que a capacidade de circulação refere-se a quantidade de movimentação que um sistema permite que ocorra dentro dele. Alguns sistemas permitem que a movimentação dos elementos que o compoem, seja feita com facilidade. Nesse caso, podemos afirmar que esse sistema possui uma capacidasde de circulação alta. Esses elementos podem ser pessoas, produtos, alimentos, moleculas, dentre outros.
Two boys played with a ball.
An old lady walked with her cat.
A nurse brought a little girl baby to the park.
An old man sat down and read his book.
Michael studied hard all year.
Amelia chose to stay with her father.
Mary forgot to turn off the light.
I cancelled my meeting for tomorrow.
I went to school yesterday.
We played basketball last Sunday.