1. Feudalism
2. Summons
3. King John
4. Standing Army
5. Cleithenes
The key objectives are :
- Relief for people in need
- Recovery for the Economy
- Reform to prevent future Problems,
The government created a lot of programs to help the citizens to find jobs, to help them Refinance their House mortgage and more..
the north got a lot more factories and started to produce a lot of goods that were needed all over.
The graph would represent that system would look like this (see the attachment):
I think any relationship between the Indus Valley and the deep Dravidian south is unlikely because of the vast gap in space and time. About 2,000 years and 2,000 miles. But linguistically, if the Indus script is understood, we may hopefully find that the proto-Dravidian roots of the Harappa language and South Indian Dravidian languages are similar.