That would be france and britain. It was a territorial war.
The Pima and Hopi were part of the Indian culture. The Hopi
are thought to have descended from the Anasazi and they are classified as
Pueblo Indians. The Pima’s on the other hand are thought to have descended from
the Hohokam culture. Though they have descended from different cultures but
they are part of the Indian culture. The Pima’s, mostly resided in the region
which is now known as the central and southern Arizona. The Hopi tribe on the
other hand lived in the northeastern Arizona.
When it comes to what motivates us, it usually falls into one of two categories: intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is when you're motivated to complete a task because of personal goals or rewards, and extrinsic motivation is when you complete a task to either avoid punishment or earn a reward.
Genetic vulnerability, environmental stressors, social pressures, individual personality characteristics, and psychiatric problems