She hopes her daughter is a "fool" because she doesn't want her daughter to know that she deserves better than what the world will give to her. Men are seen above women so the best thing a woman can be is beautiful because her husband will treat her better than if she were viewed as ugly. Being beautiful would also help her to get a husband in a better wealth class. Daisy knows how cruel the world can be towards women
Cause they spent all their money at the bar trying to impress the 22 year old girl who turned out to be a man
"I wandered lonely as a cloud
" is the line that refkects personal reflection.
When a poem reflects or expresses the careful thoughts, behavior and beliefs of the person, they are self-reflection poems. They express real emotions of the author. In the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
" by "William Wordsworth", he uses the following line which shows personal reflection:
I wandered lonely as a cloud
In this line the poet describes himself as lonely who is wandering around. Cloud is usually up in the sky moving around without anyone around it. Similarly, speaker is using a metaphor to describe speaker who is lonely and wandering, moving without purpose and no direction.
always need to look on the bright side of everything