Preserving the penny keeps consumer prices down and avoids harming low-income households. A penny can be used for decades and is more cost-efficient to produce than a nickel. The existence of pennies helps raise a lot of money for charities.
Constantinople was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Among the functions of the government that the Preamble reffers to, the first one would be to establish justice, through the United States Justice and system.
Insure Domestic Tranquility in the form of a lifestyle that is confortable for all americans and that involves stability.
Provide For The Common Defense by defending american coasts from possible Imperial attacks, based of historic events (British and French invasions).
Promote The General Welfare this is in order to eliminate the danger of starving among the population in time when there is industrial halt and not much economical development.
Secure The Blessings Of Liberty To Ourselves And Our Posterity by protecting the rights of each individual and limiting the powers of the national and state government to ensure true freedom. Another function described related to the constitutional Preamble is defined by the articles concerning legistative, executive and judicial duties.
<span>The Enlightenment period (17th and 18th centuries), where government became known as a creation of the people rather than a means of controlling them. The Enlightenment championed reason and individualism over culture and tradition. </span>
Most nations who had been colonized by European powers had lacked the sufficient technology to fend off foes. Some may have had certain equipment of new technology through trade but ultimately the one who is producing the new technology will win over. Great Britain Established there massive Empire with advances in new machinery and medicine. Trains/ steam ships can transport supplies and troops. Automated weapons can mow down hordes of enemies. New medicine can cure diseases found in deep foreign territory (such as Africa).