Art history is important because, we can learn different writings that they wrote on walls, but just with pictures.
By looking at a work of art's symbolism, colors, and materials, we can learn about the culture that produced it. We also can compare artwork, which provides different perspectives, and gives us a well-rounded way of looking at events, situations, and people.
Answer: i would help but i am confused on what are the following
I am sorry
Natural minor
D Major would have an F# and C#, so it must be a minor -- d minor.
The relative major of d minor is F Major, so the key signature is b flat. There aren't any other accidentals, meaning it's not melodic or harmonic minor.
Africans have a variety of hairstyles and they were used to a symbol of tribal and conveyed a message of age status power and rank. Many tribes coloured the hair with red