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The way that William Butler Yeat's poem "From the Antigone" is parallel to Sophocle's Antigone is the speaker in the poem, as well as the chorus in the play, lament noble Antigon'e terrible fate. The poem only speaks about a woman who is dying. This woman is most likely Antigone. None of the other statements are mentioned in the poem. The correct answer is A.
Answer: By leading the Utilitarian movement.
Explanation: John Stuart Mill is an English phylosopher,known as one the greatest English phylosophers in history,he was born the year 1806. He was the one who led the Utilitarian movement which is known to be a movement concerned about the happiness of the people.
The Utilitarian Theory tries to show that all happiness is very vital for the wellbeing of man,and that all Government actions should be geared towards completly removing pains from the lives of people.
Being free from discrimination and injustice is liberating, happy, comfortable and safe.
Being free from discrimination and injustice is very comfortable and progressive for anyone's life. Individuals who have this privilege have great happiness, peace and security. Although these feelings are not wrong, it is necessary that they be used to seek the freedom from discrimination and injustice that other people suffer so that everyone can feel that same feeling and, thus, the world can become a happier and more pleasant place for all. people.
This extract if from 'The Leap' by Louise Erdrich.
It is about a blind mother who is surviving about half of the blindfold trapeze act, the Flying Avalons. The daughter says how she was saved by her mother thrice.
First she was saved when a tent pole cracked and fell on the town square. The father and mother gave her life. the other incident was when their house caught fire, her mother saved her.
The girl trusted her mother and was saved.