If it was written by them and the story about their life then it's and autobiography. Hope it helps.
Numerous is plenty
pedestrian is walker
liberty is freedom
enumerate is restate
pedal is foot bar
liberal is generous
Answer: No. Because of the colonization impact back then
Pligrims were the travelers who had their journey and action because of the holy place that they were tend to. It is a holy physical journey on foot with religious beliefs and that is why the Thanksgiving story has peace and culture as a key and idea of it.
When we are talking about this holiday, cross-cultural exchange of Pligrims and Indians is important.
On the other side, the planters and Wampanoag shared in a celebration of a harvesting so within many years they wouldn't be free. That is why for some people who are Native Americans, this holiday is not for celebrating. It is a holiday that is considering memories of colonization and an impact that colonization had for Indigenous people.
The answer in this text is simple by looking at what you have read choose the (b. for this inquiry.
Considering Your Task and Your Rhetorical Situation - Analyzing the Writing Task
Understanding what the writing task asks you to do is the first important step in the
writing process. Read through the below passage the first time with the grain, paying
attention to your general understanding of the focus and purpose.