... is a dark color. You can say Este pescado or this fish, which would mean this fish is a dark color.
Celebrities and popular people inspire their audience and influence their buying behavior. It is true that 49% of consumers seek guidance from social media influencers before making a buying decision. For example, an influential gamer would endorse gaming and tech products.
Answer:I need clarification
Our genetic predispositions and our specific environments interact. Environments can trigger gene activity, and genetically influenced traits can evoke responses from others.
As a child's brain develops, neural connections grow more numerous and complex. Experiences then prompt a pruning process, in which unused connections weaken and heavily used ones strengthen. Early childhood is an important period for shaping the brain, but throughout our lives our brain modifies itself in response to our learning.
<h3>The three act structure is a narrative model that divides stories into three parts– Act one, Act two, Act three, or rather, a beginning, middle, and end.</h3>