The length of stay at your current residence is used to determine credit scores. On most credit applications and applications in general, this question is asked to help the lender look up information about your history of payments. When a lender asks this question they are able to determine how long you typically stay in one place, and look up bills at that residence to make sure they are paid on time before giving out a loan. They can also use this information to determine a credit score based on what is being paid on time, late or not at all.
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Step-by-step explanation:
28.26 cm^2
Step-by-step explanation:
A = (pi)r^2
A = 3.14 * (3 cm)^2
A = 3.14 * 9 cm^2
A = 28.26 cm^2
y = -3
Step-by-step explanation:
The equation of the line is y = -x -2
We plug in the given x value into the equation to find y.
y = -(1) - 2
y = -3
the degree of the polynomial is 5
Find the angle between lines; 0.5880 rad, 33.7°
Answer: 0.5880 rad. 33.7°