Increased focus on domestic policy. Some people feel that governments can become too distracted by foreign affairs and neglect domestic issues and policy. ...
Decreased need for spending on military budgets. ...
Economy may suffer. ...
May become vulnerable to attack.
Peace under Tokugawa - True
Conquerors of Korea - True
Replacement of cotton by hemp as the primary cloth used by the Japanese - True
Economic Integration - False
Japan was developed around 30,000 years ago by the people of the area. The people developed their own culture named as Jomon and resided in the area of Asia. There was peace agreement in Tokugawa and this was due to keep the Christians away from Japan. They used to wear hemp clothes which were stitched as aprons, jackets and other protective garments which help them cover their body.
By 1774, the year leading up to the Revolutionary War, trouble was brewing in America. Parliament (England's Congress) had been passing laws placing taxes on the colonists in America. There had been the Sugar Act in 1764, the Stamp Act the following year, and a variety of other laws that were meant to get money from the colonists for Great Britain. The colonists did not like these laws.
Great Britain was passing these laws because of the French and Indian War, which had ended in 1763. That war, which had been fought in North America, left Great Britain with a huge debt that had to be paid. Parliament said it had fought the long and costly war to protect its American subjects from the powerful French in Canada. Parliament said it was right to tax the American colonists to help pay the bills for the war
Most Americans disagreed. They believed that England had fought the expensive war mostly to strengthen its empire and increase its wealth, not to benefit its American subjects. Also, Parliament was elected by people living in England, and the colonists felt that lawmakers living in England could not understand the colonists' needs. The colonists felt that since they did not take part in voting for members of Parliament in England they were not represented in Parliament. So Parliament did not have the right to take their money by imposing taxes. "No taxation without representation" became the American rallying cry.
Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794) was one of the leaders and orators of the French Revolution of 1789, best known for his involvement in the Reign of Terror that followed.
As a young man, he studied law and had a reputation for honesty and compassion. He sought to abolish the death penalty and refused to pronounce a required death sentence after becoming a judge.
But as the revolution approached, Robespierre became head of the powerful Jacobin Club, a radical group advocating exile or death for France's nobility. In 1792, after Paris mobs stormed the palace of the Tuileries and dethroned King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, Robespierre helped organize the new revolutionary governing body, the Commune of Paris.
(you can use my exact words) Burr does not deserve to be a villian because he has done many good things in the past. He had a family, and he also most likely had an alibi or reason for killing Hamilton. I did not know about Burr before the movie, all I knew is that he was a historical figure