interest rate per compounding period ; number of compounding periods
Benefit segmentation is dividing or spilt up the market grounded on the perceived advantage or benefit and value consumers perceive, that they will receive from the service or the product.
The person could segment the market grounded on the performance, quality, special features, customer service and other advantages.
Therefore, the fact that the some of the customers want the flavored water bottles and others want to have it with the added minerals, it provides an opportunity for the benefit segmentation.
The pdca cycle is a powerful approach for problem solving as it provides the foundation for teams to figure out ways to change and implement new ideas within their group setting and project or business. The PDCA stands for plan-do-check-act. In the planning stage your team will plan by determining what the problem is and what ways to fix it. In the do stage, your team will act on the ways you can solve the problem. In the check stage you are looking to check your work and see what worked and what needs to be changed. The final stage is the act stage which if you find solutions that work, implement them moving forward.