B shadows
The position of the sun in the sky casts a shadow on a properly placed sundial. This will give you time of day depending where the shadow falls.
The elements that make up the earth are the main reason for life on earth. The elements include water as a component of life support; an atmosphere with a composition suitable for life; and the distance between the sun and the earth is neither too close nor too far away and also on earth has oxygen and gravity.
The immediate consequence of a city failing to provide educational resources for its residents is that d) Fewer children may be able to break the cycle of poverty. When education is not readily available for each citizen, people are less likely to experience social mobility and be able to break the cycle of poverty, as without education it is harder to get a nine to five job and wages are often lower when working in an occupation which does not require a university degree.
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Answer and Explanation:
Example of j shaped curve is population that is doubling in size and exponential growth. in j shaped curve, population increases rapidly and exponentially and then stops suddenly to start decreasing when resources are limited
logistic growth and population whose size is approaching the carrying capacity of the environment are examples of S shaped curve. here population increases slowly and then rapidly before it becomes stable as approaching zero growth
Population size that a particular environment can support indefinitely without long-term damage to the environment and carrying capacity
is indicated by K . Here population is maximum and has reached saturation and will no longer increase
Answer: to persuade the coloniests that the colonies should become independent.