A Story,” Li-Young Lee develops the complex relationship between an insecure father and his innocent son through use of inner monologue from the father's perspective and the inverting of ideas and expectation
My great grandfather worked in the coal mines as a child. At the time, he was sinewy and though he was small, he was very strong. There was very little repose. He said the workers had very little time to rest, and they were worked to the bone day in and day out. He showed me the scars he still possessed from those days, and with very little rest in that time, he could never really outgrew his lean figure. Would he have been brawny and strong like the men of today if he had rested from work? I could not imagine my great grandfather being anywhere near muscular even if he was young.
Hope this helped! With these kind of assignments you wanna make sure you show you understand the definitions.
I think there is a shift at “...assured him”. From reading the beginning, you would think the person is under arrest, “stay where you are”. But, the sentence goes on to say that the police officer ‘assured’ him that. He could’ve been in danger, so the officer was telling him that help was on the way, just stay put.