the battle of badr was the first battle fought by the prophet pbuh after migrating to madinah.
it took place in 2nd AH in the month of Safar.
Allah had given order to fight the enemy.
.غزوہ بدر کا شماراسلام کی پہلی جنگ میں ہے- یہ دوسر ہجری میں لڑی گئی تھی
sorry meray pass urdu keyboard ni hai. is liay english main likh diya hai
You will find the answers with their justification on the file attached.
They speak in kazakh and Russian :)
I'm eating takoyaki now! you are?
AJ: I'd like to delay the photo session.
Amaya: I'm eating Kotakoyaki Yaki now! you are?
AJ: What is Alaska?
Amaya: Really nothing really. I live in the United States, and I don't like to go out of bed because I'm shining on my face or my face. For some reason, I like the darkness and darkness. I heard that Alaska has darkness all year round.
AJ: I see. In Alaska, you can see the natural aurora of the phenomenon.
Amaya: I have to go to school now, I will talk to you later
AJ: LOL LOL I'll do it again LOL
Amaya: I have to go, see AJ later! Bye bye!
AJ: See you, Amaya-san!