2) will I do?
3) neighborhood
4) Second, I will
5) with toast, fruit, eggs, and bacon.
8) does not like
I hope this is correct and that it helps you! Sorry I did not know all of the answers. I’m not completely sure about 4 but I hope this is right.
Answer:the little boy came inside my castle instantly I became angry but i didn’t want to hurt the little boy . So I asked him little boy will he return my things nicely & the Little boy smile n said he was sorry n nicely returned my things
The man in the jail house tried to kill or find trouble for Tom Robinson. Luckily Atticus was there and Jem had the idea of following his father because he was worried. Scout later then solved the issue by mentioning Mr Cunningham's trail (or some sort I forgot) and they all realised that Atticus is just trying to do his job and justify the person like how he treats them. At last they went back and Tom wasn't harmed.
Robinson Crusoe was on the island for actually 28 years