D. Their living room is painted, bright shiny red.
I have pen pals in Madrid, Spain, Lima, Peru, Veracruz, and Mexico.
In this sentence in particular " and " is used to present the last thing you listed. Es lo mismo cuando estan escibiendo en espanol y dice " Yo tengo amigos en Madrid, Espana, Lima, Peru, Veracruz, <u>y</u> Mexico." Where in this case " y " showed the sentence coming to a end. Other then that your sentence is correct.
Say that you were practising the night before so much that you lost your voice.
Say that you were gone to a match and because of the amount of screaming you did, you lost your voice.
Say that you are sick or have the flu or a soar throat (and add some coughs and sneezes just in case)
Say that you have a bad soar throat and that the doctor told you not so speak.
B. a stereotypical character
An archetype is defined as “a very typical example of a certain person or thing” or “a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology.” but can also be very flat.
It seems more like a mixture of A, B and C but I think B is the best answer