to instill terror and fear so citizens will follow government policies
a. The relationship increased because of the support from Protestant churches.
the Great Awakening affected the colonies by changing many people's attitudes towards religion. Before this revival, religious devoutness had been fading in the colonies. The revival movement undyingly impacted Protestantism as adherents strove to renew individual piety and religious devotion.
Conciliar movementA reform movement in the 14th-, 15th-, and 16th-century Catholic Church that held that supreme authority in the church resided with an Ecumenical council, apart from, or even against, the pope how did rebellions against the roman catholic church affect northern European society Rebellions against the Catholic Church exposed the corruption within the Church and lead to European reformers to develop new religions, such as Lutheranism and Calvinism, that believed in returning to the simplicity of Christianity and turning to the Bible.
Option D - to guarantee the United States exclusive trading rights with China.
The main purpose of the open door policy was to make sure the United States would have access to China's markets.
China= corona. USA=no toilet paper