I believe that is a trick question, “The degree of metamorphism is a function of pressure, heat and time. During orogenic events, the metamorphism of the rocks can take 100's of thousand to millions of years. Too much heat cannot be applied at once since the rock will melt and recrystallize into an igneous rock” i’ve found those same answers on other websites as well. meaning there really isn’t a right answer.
1. carbonation
2. Hydration
3. Hydrolysis.
4. Oxidation-reducation reaction
The cells that are responsible for attacking, adhering and digesting foreign bodies are the phagocytes. The platelets help wounds to heal and prevent bleeding and the main function of the erythrocytes is the transport of oxygen
Answer: The Andes mountain range
The Andes mountain range is located in the <u>western part of South America</u>, contouring the Pacific Ocean coast and part of the Caribbean Sea.
The Andes is the longest mountain range on Earth with the record of having the highest volcanoes on the planet.
Its surface is so extensive that it covers seven countries: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru (running north to south in the middle of its territory), Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.